Wednesday, October 21, 2009



Well there were many people that got me to the start, now it is time to thank those people that got me to the finish!!

The Smith Family Children/Parents/Coordinators/Staff – the messages I got each day helped me through thick and thin and made me realize the noble purpose of this ride – as some have heard me say this is “Not About the Bike” and it is definitely “Not About me”, it is about the children that we can together help to get a good start in life and realize their potential! Thank you for the motivation!

The Support Crew – Alison, Cathrine, Barry, Minas, Waqas – who made sure I was safe each day, fed, warm/dry (not always easy given the weather), photographed. Thank you for your patience with me and my moods …..! And for all the muffins you forced down my neck!

Colin – everyone needs a great friend and mechanic in an adventure like this – Colin thank you for removing stress and avoiding me needing to think!

Imogen – thanks princess … nuff said!

My Special Friends/Colleagues/Boss(Neil) – so many of you sent me messages/calls of support/pride etc, some of you don't know the significance of your timing, there were times when those messages coincided with my lows. I didn’t always share the lows through my blog but there were times when I needed “a kick” or “soft words of encouragement”. I remember those days and rmb those ppl!!

My ipod! – what the ……. would I have done without this and the playlists/music i was given .. thanks gym bunnies including Jen , Yu-Lynn etc and Immy (aka princess). When the wind was in my face, when the rain was falling, when the hills kept coming or I needed to try and get to sleep, your music helped me through .. not sure I will be able to listen to some of these tracks ever again, without getting emotional and remembering where I was and what I was doing!! Who would think you could get an emotional reaction from the “Ding Ding Song” ha ha! I also learnt how different some tracks sound when you only hear one track in ur ear…. Very interesting!

The Kangaroo 130km from Mildura – surreal!! this will be with me forever!

Riding buddies – I think I had company for less than 300m of my 5,050km ride to Melbourne so thanks to the riders in Perth, Warwick, Bob and John in Sydney and Andy, Harry, Geoff, Adrian and the Macquarie boys in Melbourne. And the 15,000 plus riders at ATB on Sunday that shared my final stage (special mention to the guy from J’berg wearing the pink top that said “Florida a drinking club with a cycling problem” …. Hilarious!

Simon – ha ha you will have to wait to understand this one!!!!!

If I have missed you, Sorry!

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