Friday, October 16, 2009

Australia is moving into Spring, but apparently no one told Victoria!!

After the hills and rain of yesterday we were treated to a fine display of Victorian weather today! After a calm and sunny start to the day we had driving rain and gale force headwinds (probably the strongest yet). But when ur this close to the end of the ride, there is only one thing you can do, put your head down and keep moving forward!

The fact that i won't retrace my steps has been one of the motivating factors about this ride ... just like the animals on the Australian flag i cannot go backwards only forward. so when the going gets tough i just tell myself i will never go along that bit of road again!

Immy and Colin Tan joined us today, getting ready for the last stages of my ride!! And then the huge sort out of gear before we go back to Singapore. i am getting homesick, when i saw the tail fin of an SQ jet at Sydney airport the other day, it just made me think of home! but still have to pinch myself that the ride is almost complete!

Saw some live wild life for a change today (still road kill but not as much as in
WA, SA and NSW), ... highlight was a little Echidna (hope that is spelt right otherwise i might have to write it out a hundred times ha ha!) that was foraging next to the road and then made like a ball and buried its self when i took a pix.

High - seeing my Princess (see separate post)

Low - the weather

Magpies - OK do the magpies read my blog? Man! did i eat my words today .... Victorian magpies less aggressive .. yeah right ... they play a different code here .. and its all about body contact. i had 5 direct blows to my helmet .. like hip and shoulder movements. the first blow i thought i had ridden into a branch of a tree... then i looked and saw three maggies flying in attack formation .. it was like a war movie as they peeled off one at a time to get my helmet!!! So the verdict is: Victorian magpies have the award. Oh yes - Neil - this was during heavy rain .. i dread to think what they will be like in full sunlight ....

Music - the weather was so fowl today i had to have something soothing in my ears ... i chose "Motorhead" the cover version by Hawkwind. ha ha!

Love the caption comments ... keep them coming we need more before we judge the winner!

229km (total 4900km, 181 hours)
locations coming ....

OK - tmr we experience tandem riding with Princess ...some have suggested i should put Immy on the front while i put my feet up on the back ... but i don't think that would be right !!


  1. The first few magpies were just scouts. They probably reported back to HQ on the state of the cyclist and now you are dealing with the front line.

  2. Gary: are you still out there pounding the tarmac?!! We've loved reading the blog, hearing about all your success .... keep it going for the final push and really, really enjoy Sunday.
    Keep posting - we'll be watching come Sunday.

    Dave, Ros, Tom and Lucy.

  3. In freefall, and under canopy, the sky diving instructor wears the parachute and sits behind the tandem passenger. This allows him to maneuver in freefall, have clear access to all controls and also speak to the passenger. It also assists in getting a soft and smooth landing.Tandem Trailers in Melbourne
